Fitness is the ability of every person to function in their daily life and to improve this ability, 5 elements of fitness need to be improved. Also, any athlete needs to incorporate 5 elements of fitness into his / her workouts to enhance his / her rank in the sport of his / her choice.
1.cardiovascular endurance
The ability of the skeletal muscles associated with cardiac exercise to supply oxygen through the blood continuously without long-term fatigue. Aerobic exercises need to be done to improve this ability. Aerobic exercise is where oxygen is used to regenerate ATP . But those exercises are done for more than 3 to 4 minutes. For example - walking, running, swimming, cycling, skipping etc.
2.Muscular endurance
The skeletal muscle's ability to contract continuously at low intensity without long-term fatigue. Aerobic exercise needs to be done in a cross training manner to improve this ability. Cross training is an alternative to aerobic exercise or an exercise where the arms and legs move together. Muscular endurance is related to skeletal muscle, so skeletal muscle throughout the body needs to be cross-trained to increase endurance.
3.Musculoskeletal Strength
The ability of the skeletal muscle to exert maximum intensity against a given weight depends on the combined strength of the muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments. Weight training has to be done with a certain intensity to increase strength. Intensity should be such that muscle failure will come in 8 to 10 repetitions.
The ability of the body to move in its entire phase around each evening depends on the flexibility and elasticity of the muscle.
Extensibility is the ability of a muscle to stretch to its entire length and elasticity is the ability of a stretched muscle to return to its original position. Stretching types like dynamic and static passive have to be included to improve flexibility. Of these, static passive stretching should always be done at the end of the exercise. Because the temperature of the muscle is increased in the end, the muscle can be stretched as much as possible and the chances of injury are very low. Also, the last stretch is remembered in the kinesthetic memory of the CNS.
While doing weight training, do not do static passive stretching even if the temperature of the muscle is increased, as in this type the muscle has to be kept in a stable position for 12 to 15 seconds and therefore the CNS relaxes it to reduce the tension on the stretched muscle. This is called autogenic inhibition.
As the muscle relaxes, its ability to contract is temporarily reduced. This reduces the workload in the next set. This type of dynamic stretching should be done after cardio warm-up before weight training begins. In that case the stretched muscle does not have to be kept in a stable position. Therefore, it is not possible to relax the muscle and reduce the workload.
5. Ideal body composition
Ability to maintain the ideal proportion of lean body mass and adipose tissue in the body. Fat should be less than 15% of their total weight in men and less than 20% for women. The body needs the right amount of sports nutrition and rest along with exercise to stay ideal