
Sunday, November 1, 2020

Weight loss and its benefits


Some tips for weight loss and its benefits

People are gaining weight in today's life because of irregular lifestyle.  As a result, the incidence of diseases is increasing.  But don’t take the tension. In order to lose weight, we need to follow some simple tips. On the other hand, losing a weight is quite difficult task. But if you make up your mind, you will definitely lose weight.  We can lose weight if we exercise and eat on time every morning, besides important changes in our lifestyle will be very useful for weight loss.  Let's see those important tips-

1.      Weight loss will be followed by regular morning yoga and exercise.  Also, doing yoga daily reduces stress levels, extra body fat is reduced and the body gets refreshed.

2.      Exercise at least five days a week. This burns calories in the body and builds muscle. Also, if you like to dance and yoga both, then you can opt to dance with yoga.  If you like to do aerobic exercise, you can do it. Swimming is also a good option.

3.      The most important thing is weight training. Weight training increases muscles and increases your metabolic rate. Weight training burns calories in the body.

4.      If you are wondering how to get started, the easiest solution is to start walking every morning.  Go for half an hour at first and then slowly for an hour. Ride a bicycle sometimes.

5.      Benefits of exercising for one hour daily-

a.       Walking- burns 300 to 400 cal.

b.      Cycling – burns 600 to 700 cal.

c.       Swimming- burns 300 to 400 cal.

d.      Aerobic- burns 400 to 500 cal.


6.      Also, walking properly improves digestion and reduces the risk of heart disease. The mind benefits for concentration. And when you do this every day, you will start losing weight, but at the same time you will get control over diabetes, high blood pressure, and back pain.

7.      People in the age group of 8 to 18 should walk 8,000 to 10,000 steps.

8.      People between the ages of 19 and 40 walk 8,000 to 12,000 steps.

9.      People in their 50s walk 8,000 to 10,000 steps.

10.  People in their 60s walk 8,000 steps.

11.  Do some types of yoga every day and you will get results, e.g.-

a.       Surya Namaskar- It exercises the whole body and all the muscles work.

b.      Virbhadrasana- It strengthens the muscles of the back, arms and legs. This is best for those who sit and work.

c.       Bhujangasana- This asana expands the chest, improves blood circulation, and reduces stress.

d.      Dhanurasana- Improves digestion, reduces back and neck pain.  Stretching the abdominal muscles reduces abdominal fat.


e.    Trikonasana- This asana improves digestion, reduces excess belly fat, makes the muscles of the body flexible and also relieves back and neck pain.

12.  Eating habits cause you to gain weight.  If you always eat high calorie foods, you will gain weight.  Sweet, high salt, fried foods cause more calories to accumulate in the body.  So it means that more calories leads to weight gain.


13.  Healthy Habits-

a.       Drink plenty of water per day-

Drink plenty of water in your daily routine.  Water is very important for weight loss as for the body.  The more water you drink, the more toxins will be excreted from your body.  Drinking more water will keep your stomach full so you don't feel hungry and you don't want to eat anything so if you want to eat something except the right time to eat, drink plenty of water, and remember not to drink too much water as it can cause discomfort, Sodium balance can be upset.  Just make it a habit to drink at least a glass of water an hour.


b.      Have a healthy breakfast every morning.  Your lunch should be half of your morning breakfast and you dinner should be half of the lunch.


c.       Don't drink alcohol - Alcohol is also a fertilizer for weight gain. So if you are determined to lose weight, stop drinking. If you have no addiction, this is great and you can start dieting early.




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