
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

If you want to lose belly fat, do this. Here are 5 easy ways to lose belly fat.


If you want to lose belly fat, do this. Here are 5 easy ways to lose belly fat.

Divide the meal 

If you eat once or twice a day, divide it and do it in 3 to 4 stages. Every time we eat small meals without eating, the stomach stays full and Obesity is reduced.

Warm water

 When you wake up in the morning, you should drink warm water on an empty stomach.  This reduces calories.  If you drink lemon juice and honey in that water, you will see good and quick results.

Morning Walking

Walking in the morning, exercising, running helps to reduce belly fat and improves digestion.


Doing yoga removes not only physical but also mental complaints.  Yoga is the best way to reduce stomach.


Eating late at night increases belly fat, which is the main reason for fat gain.  Meals should be taken 2 hours before sleeping.  It is very good to do walk before going to sleep.


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